Understanding the cycle of enemy-making and how it affects us.
Ever struggled to forgive someone, even when you know it's the right thing to do?
How do we engage with the people in our lives who have dechurched?
What might individuals miss by leaving church life and how might it impact their spiritual and communal experiences?
What happens when 40 million adults in America decide to step away from church attendance?
Today we want to discuss the importance of putting people first.
This blog looks at just a few things I’ve learned in my journey of learning to be more vulnerable and maybe you’ll be encouraged by it in your own journey.
If we are to embody the posture of Jesus, we will need to learn how to take a stand on love.
We have an opportunity to join God's restorative work.
How can we think more deeply and love more widely in a Jesus-centered way?
Have you ever felt stuck in an unhealthy or toxic relationship?
When we fail to understand what lies beneath the surface of our lives, our core motivations get corrupted and wreak havoc in our lives and relationships.
Meaningful friendships are hard to come by and require a ton of effort. In this post, we explore three ways to go deeper in friendships.
A strong sense of individualism dominates American culture and has left us feeling isolated and alone. A look at the earliest Jesus followers, however, paints a picture.
Let's look at 3 practices that will help you move toward others when tensions are running high.
Let's look at how to apply the way of Jesus in our leadership.