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Thursday Prayer Guide

September 3, 2024

Some More Changes to the Prayer Guide

Over the next couple of months we're going to be experimenting with some changes to the prayer guide. Our goal is to help you to engage in prayer more consistently and in ways you might not have experienced before. For our next sermon series we're going to try connecting the prayer guide to the Sunday topics, but for this week we are going to pray related to our new series "What's the Difference?" If you didn't get a chance to participate in the service, you can view all of our messages on our website.

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, I pray that this day I may live in your presence and please you more and more.

Lord Jesus, I pray that this day I may take up my cross and follow you.

Holy Spirit, I pray that this day you will fill me with yourself and cause your fruit to ripen in my life:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.


This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
- 1 John 3:16

A new commandment I give you:  Love one another.  
As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
- John 13:34

Devotional Thought

Loving one another wasn't a new commandment to the disciples.  It was loving one another 'as I have loved you' that was new. The disciples were experiencing life-transforming love from Jesus and he had confidence in them, that they also could extend love to each other.  Jesus doesn't ask us to do anything he hasn't done.  Just like his first disciples, we are always learning from Him, how to be like Him by spending time with Him.

Surrendering to love like Jesus can begin in prayer.  Choose a person you are struggling to love.  Be honest with Jesus about exactly where you are in loving them.  Maybe your prayer is simply:

'Help me to want to love them, the way you love me.'  or
'Lord, help me to see this person the way you see them.'

Pray for them daily. Listen for suggestions from the Holy Spirit on ways to move forward whether in changing your mindset toward them or to express your love in action.


God invites us to cast our cares on him because he cares for us.  God is all-together good, already knows what we need, and is eager to give us good things.  So we don’t need to pray out of anxiety or fear, but confident trust.  Spend a few minutes making your requests known to God.

  • For the church
  • For others
  • For myself

Closing Prayer

Now, O Lord, calm me into a quietness that heals and listens, and mold my longings and passions, my wounds and wonderings into a more holy and human shape.
- Guerillas of Grace