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Friday Prayer Guide

September 3, 2024

Some Changes to the Prayer Guide

Over the next couple of months we're going to be experimenting with some changes to the prayer guide. Our goal is to help you to engage in prayer more consistently and in ways you might not have experienced before. For our next sermon series we're going to try connecting the prayer guide to the Sunday topics, but for this week we are going to suggest several apps that feature creative ways to pray. 

There is no limit to the opportunities we can participate in through prayer.  Some of these apps may be just what you've been looking for and some may not connect with you at all.  No worries!  Take what you like and leave the rest.  Feel free to explore which of these apps invite you into a deeper relationship with God.  We begin with one of our favorites.

Praying with All 5 Senses

We know, this isn't exactly a prayer app but this app actually could enhance the way you pray.  Long ago, a devoted believer named Ignatius taught his followers how to pray with all 5 of their senses while reading a gospel story.  If you want more info click here: Imaginative Prayer

It's challenging to imagine the scenes in the gospels. But in this app, the stories of the gospels come alive.  Try watching one of the episodes of The Chosen and see how it may prompt you to pray in a new direction.

Check out The Chosen on Apple or The Chosen on Android